Our Facebook integrated online store is finally open!
Calla Store has come a long way since it was established not very long ago, and we are very excited with this latest development of Facebook integrated store into our page, or we called it Facebook Store
Why Facebook Store? We observed that most of the online shopping sites require their first time visitors to go through a one time off registration of a new account. Imagine if you are subscribed to a dozen online shopping sites, you need to do this 12 times!
In addition, online shopping via FB creates a 'social-centric' (sociocentric) experience for our dearest customers. We are able to see what ID has made the purchase. Hence, we know who you are in FB and able to directly contact you. It is as if you are buying from a FB friend. Fear not though, we will respect your privacy. ;-)
By holding steadfast in the idea of hassle free shopping experience, we scratched off the conventional online store concept that you and I are familiar with, and build a socially-oriented integrated online store in Facebook so that you can shop with us using your Facebook ID and no registration required. Just click and buy. Best of all, it's accessible from this blog too. Check out the "Online Shop" link above, or click here.
So, do like our page to show your support and start shopping with us!
Feel free to drop a message to us via comments below or message us via Facebook on your thoughts and we will definitely take them into consideration for improvement.
Calla Store
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